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Mangroves are tropical trees in the intertidal zones of coastal areas, and the Mangrove forest protection and/or restoration projects can contribute to fighting against the climate change.


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In the tropical area, mangrove forests play a crucial role in the health of marine ecosystems and are essential for coastal protection against storms and erosion. Mangroves are also very effective at sequestering carbon, thanks to their capability of trapping carbon form the atmosphere and storing carbon in the soil through their roots. Therefore, mangrove forests can store up to 4-10 times more carbon per hectare than other types of forests.

Mangrove forests can serve multiple benefits for the environment. First, mangroves act as natural barriers against storms and erosion, in protecting the coastline. Mangroves forests are also an ecosystem unique to a diverse range of plants and animal species. By protecting and restoring mangroves, the mangrove projects would make great contribution to the entire coastal ecosystem and biodiversity conservation.

From the social perspectives, mangrove projects provide a source of income and even food for local communities. Fishermen also rely on mangrove forests for their livelihoods, as they provide a habitat for fish and shellfish.

DT Master Carbon is collaborating with NGO to co-develop mangrove restoration and conservation projects in Bangladesh and India. We believe that mangrove projects are playing and will continue playing a critical role in addressing the climate issue and conserving the biodiversity of the ecosystems.

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